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T. A. Dugger Jr. High

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S.T.E.P.S is a year-long empathy based program at TAD to promote kindess and leadership. The program began in the Fall of 2017 and was created by Ariel Minnick, school counselor, and Randy Little. The motto for S.T.E.P.S  is "Setting the pace for a better place."

Mission of S.T.E.P.S: To empower our students to be changemakers and create a better world through empathy.

Our vision is to help and educate students thorugh social and emotional learning, so they can share empathy, become changmaking leaders, and find passion within thier community. 

Striving Towards Empathy with Positive Support

Each month, the whole school will focus on different ways to be more empathetic. The calendar for 2018-19 is

  • August ……..Introduction to S.T.E.P.S. & Setting Goals
  • September....Responsibility & Respect
  • October……..Bystanders & Cyber Safety
  • November…..Courage & Leadership
  • December…..Kindness (10 Days of Kindness Challenge)
  • January……..Prejudice & The Truth About Middle School
  • February…….Fairness & Resolving Conflicts
  • March ………College and Career Week
  • April …………Empathy
  • May……….....Citizenship